- World of Warcraft Social Networking - Flurby's Profile
Account Type:WoW Player
Profile Views:1859 profile views
Friends:0 friends
Updated:15 year(s) ago
Signup Date:2/5/2010
My BTMMO Points
Server Points Rank: 233
My Title is: Private
Total Earned Points: 200 points.
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Personal Information
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Birthday: (35 years old)
About Me:
Ahoy there, My name's Tobey - I'm from the great northern land known as Norway!

My gaming experience is CS since 1.3, and jumped straight on the WoW-train in 2005.

My first character was a Night Elf Druid, which I raided hardcore with for about 2 years. Rerolled Troll Shaman mid-bc, and race changed to orc as soon as it came in WoTLK. Currently I'm casual-ish, with 3,5 hours \ 2 days a week in a 10man guild composed of old hardcore raiders from when Mannel was a 25man guild.