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Total posts: 37
Joined: 14 year(s) ago
Achievement Points: 20,140
Posted 9:57 PM 11/4/2010
Is there a game coming out in 2011 that will make you take a long period of time away from WoW?
With Cataclysm on our doorstep, alot of people will be returning, but how long will that hold people to Blizzard's will?

I know for me, the breaker will be Mass Effect 3. Recently started a new character on ME1, can't wait for ME3 to come out for the epic conclusion to an already epic story.

But the real question is, does anyone else out there have a wow-breaker threatening to make you leave WoW next year, even temporarily?
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Posted 12:54 AM 11/5/2010
cataclysm itself?...

norly, probably this game i call "work"
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Posted 9:10 PM 11/6/2010
Yeah, not a game so much as real life stuff. PC is fried and I'm not motivated enough to fix it (only really used it for WoW anyway, I use my laptop for everything else) and I'm on the waiting list to get shipped out for basic training. They said April at the latest, but possibly sooner if a place opens up before that. Marine Engineering Mechanic, other soldiers can disassemble and reassemble a gun blindfolded, I'll be trained to do that with both guns and ships, boarding party training (yay for CQC), emergency procedures, and I'm considering taking a few dance classes (gotta have something to do on shore leave...). Not sure WoW will be accessible from base, but my money is on no.
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Posted 10:04 PM 11/6/2010
I hear there is going to be a farmville expansion pack.
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Joined: 14 year(s) ago
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Posted 8:57 PM 12/26/2010
Recently announced at the 2010 VGAs, I will definitly stop playing wow for a very long time for the following two games late next year... - Mass Effect 3 - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

You won't see me on wow or even the computer for months after. xD
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Posted 8:02 PM 1/4/2011
Yes... Skyrim.... dear god Skyrim...
And Bioshock Infinite needs to come out faster...
actually... the pay to play has been killing me a lot lately as far as playing Cataclysm... that and the lack of guild competence for raiding
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Joined: 14 year(s) ago
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Posted 12:12 AM 1/9/2011
Spawnofmoose said:
Yes... Skyrim.... dear god Skyrim...
And Bioshock Infinite needs to come out faster...
actually... the pay to play has been killing me a lot lately as far as playing Cataclysm... that and the lack of guild competence for raiding
Yeah, i can't wait for Skyrim, wish it'd be Christmas season again already LOL. I just hope Sheogorath makes a triumphant return, along with the other cool daedra lords. Except Malacath of course, because "He's not popular at parties!"
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Achievement Points: 20,545
Posted 8:45 AM 1/10/2011
Hopefully I'll have a better comp by then too... I don't like playing TES games without the ability to use mods -.-

I like having more hairstyles and body mods...
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Achievement Points: 20,140
Posted 3:03 AM 1/11/2011
Yeah, I have Morrowind and Oblivion on xbox360 as well as Oblivion on PC, but I still can't get comfortable with the PC version. 1) I don't feel as free as I do on console format. 2) I'm always tempted to use console "cheats." LOL